Monday, 24 November 2014

Lecturer in Music Technology and Popular Music at The University of Queensland, Australia

Lecturer in Music Technology and Popular Music at The University of Queensland, Australia

An exciting opportunity exists at The University of Queensland for a lecturer in music technology and popular music who will help strengthen and further develop the School's music programs.

The successful appointee will engage in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, postgraduate supervision, and further development of the School's Music Technology and Popular Music programs. The successful appointee will also undertake research, administrative and other activities associated with the School and its research unit, the Creative Collaboratorium.


For more information, including how to apply, go to

Friday, 26 September 2014

Lecturer below the bar in Festive and Community Arts



The University of Limerick (UL) with over 13,000 students and 1,300 staff is an energetic and enterprising institution with a proud record of innovation and excellence in education, research and scholarship. The dynamic, entrepreneurial and pioneering values which drive UL’s mission and strategy ensures thatwe capitalise on local, national and international engagement and connectivity.  We are renowned for providing an outstanding student experience and conducting leading edge research.  Our commitment is to make a difference by shaping the future through educating and empowering our students. UL is situated on a superb riverside campus of over 130 hectares with the River Shannon as a unifying focal point. Outstanding recreational, cultural and sporting facilities further enhance this exceptional learning and research environment.


Applications are invited for the following position:


Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences


Irish World Academy of Music & Dance


Lecturer below the bar in Festive and Community Arts


Contract Type: Tenure Track (five year fixed term).  During the term of the contract the successful applicant will have the opportunity to apply for tenure in accordance with the University's Policy and Procedures for Granting Multi-annual Status to Entry-level Academic Staff


Salary scale: €37,348 - €51,722 p.a.


Further information for applicants and application material is available online from:


The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, 29th September 2014.

Applications must be completed online before 12 noon, Irish Standard Time on the closing date.


Please email if you experience any difficulties


Applications are welcome from suitably qualified candidates.

The University is an equal opportunities employer and committed to selection on merit.




Sunday, 20 July 2014

Welcome to ISME 2014: Sunday 20 July 2014 Registrations and Opening Ceremony

Registration: Sunday 20th July from 2pm to 6pm

  • Building 41, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
  • Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon
  • Porto Alegre - RS

Opening Ceremony: Sunday 20th July from 7:30pm

  • Salao Atos (Lecture Hall)
  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
  • Av. Paulo Gama
  • 110 Farroupilha
  • Porto Alegre - RS

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

REVISION: ISME Sistema SIG News Update #22

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

With profuse apologies for causing confusion in my last news update!

This is what I now (16/7/2014) understand is currently in place for Sistema-related sessions (NB this includes changes that are not on the website). If you find something is still confusing, do not worry, we can sort it out on Monday morning at the opening session.

·         Monday July 21st 08.30 Sistema opening session: Room 501, Building 50 – please attend to help shape the rest of your conference plans! Session Organisers R Hallam, G Mota

·         Monday to Thursday, formal and informal networking and meetings as decided during the opening session;

·         Monday July 21st 16.30 Sistema Seminar 1: Room 502, Building 50; National Identity – how can we learn from each other internationally? Session organiser R Hallam

·         Tuesday July 22nd 15.30 Spoken Paper: Room 409, Building 50; Globalising El Sistema L Silberman

·         Wednesday July 23rd 16.30 Sistema Seminar 2: Room 413, Building 50; The principles and practices of pedagogy within El Sistema and Sistema-inspired programmes. Session organiser A Creech

·         Thursday July 24th 08.30 Sistema Seminar 3: Room 411, Building 50; Music and social-inclusion – in the shadow of Venezuela’s El Sistema. Session organiser G Mota

·         Friday July 25th 08.30 Sistema presentation 1: Room 411, Building 50; A study on the self-efficacy beliefs of the participants at the musical education project El Sistema V Kruger, R Cardoso De Araujo

·         Friday July 25th 09.00 Sistema presentation 2: Room 411, Building 50; El Sistema and an American Charter Laboratory School: A Model for Academic, Musical, and Social Development B Kaufman

·         Friday July 25th 09.30 Sistema presentation 3: Room 411, Building 50; Music, Curriculum and the Challenges of El Sistema: investigating the Guatemalan Case J Nitsch

·         Friday July 25th 10.30 Sistema Seminar 4: Room 411, Building 50; Is there a Place for Sistema in Indigenous Communities E Sandoval (NB this session will involve additional discussion resulting from discussions at the opening session on Monday morning at 08.30)

·         Friday July 25th 14.00 Sistema presentation 4: Room 411, Building 50; Music Education and Social Inclusion: A case study on management and financing activities Systems Youth Orchestras in school communities I Mendes Krüger

·         Friday July 25th 14.30 Sistema presentation 5: Room 411, Building 50; Evaluation of Orchestra Education Program for Underprivileged Children in Korea: Allkidstra W Yu, H Cho, H Rhee

·         Friday July 25th 15.00 Sistema presentation 6: Room 411, Building 50; …But can El Sistema work outside Venezuela? Moving beyond ‘transposability’ M Sarazin.

·         Friday July 25th 15.30 Sistema Closing Session; Session Organisers: R Hallam, G Mota

With all good wishes and wishing you safe arrival in Porto Alegre.


Richard J Hallam MBE


ISME Sistema SIG Chair

MEC Chair

SE Director and Trustee




Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Fwd: new PhD place announcement

Dear colleagues,

I'd like to aks your help to share info about one new fully paid place
for PhD studies in musicology (03H History and Theory of Arts) at
Kaunas University of Technology. Preliminary theme is "Melodic and
rhythmic of Lithuanian composers. A statistical research of musical
scores". Deadline for aplication and start of studies is mid of
September 2014. We are looking for a candidate with the basic
knowledge in music and informatics/mathematics and interested in
application of statistical methods in musical scores analysis.
Successful candidate will have possibility to join research projects
run in the department as well as the priority to be employed into
university after defending PhD.

For all formal requirements please visit university site:

For any other questions please contact me directly.

Thank you!


Prof. Darius Kucinskas

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Monday, 14 July 2014

[RIEM] Nuevo número publicado

Estimados/as lectores/as:

Revista Internacional de Educación Musical acaba de publicar su último
número en A
continuación le mostramos la tabla de contenidos, después puede visitar
nuestro sitio web para consultar los artículos que sean de su interés.

Gracias por mantener el interés en nuestro trabajo,
José Luis Aróstegui Plaza
Universidad de Granada
Teléfono +34 958 24 20 80
Fax +34 958 24 90 53
José Luis Aróstegui Plaza
Editor de la Revista Internacional de Educación Musical

Revista Internacional de Educación Musical
núm. 2 (2014)
Tabla de contenidos

Editorial (1)
José Luis Aróstegui Plaza

Artículos Originales
Sobre la función de la asignatura de Historia de la Música en la
formación del profesorado de música (2-9)
Maria Cristina Carvalho Azevedo, Antenor Ferreira Correa
Evaluando actitudes y usos de las TIC del profesorado de música de
educación secundaria (10-23)
José Luis Guerrero Valiente

Artículos Traducidos
Marco Conceptual para Ayudar al Maestro de Instrumento a Integrar la
Improvisación Musical en su Práctica Pedagógica (24-35)
Jean-Philippe Després, Francis Dubé
Estrategias Pedagógicas para Desarrollar las Habilidades Metacognitivas
del Alumno de Instrumento con el Fin de Maximizar la Eficacia de sus
Prácticas Instrumentales (36-47)
Malinalli Peral García, Francis Dubé
"Musiqueando" en la Ciudad: Re-Conceptualizando la Educación Musical
Urbana como Práctica Cultural (48-63)
Rubén Gaztambide Fernández

Revista Educación Musical

FW: Invitation: Recital de violão na Casa com a chilena Ximena Matamoros


Estimados, Prezados, Dear colleages:

Ximena Matamoros, artista de ISME 2014.


Gentileza divulgar. Please release.

Guitar Concert


ps.: até 7 anos não paga. 


                     Destacada Guitarrista,  Maestra  y  Compositora  chilena, de vasta  trayectoria. Realizó sus estudios musicales con las  más  altas  calificaciones, en  la Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile, con el Maestro Luis López. Desde 1985 es Académica de esta  misma institución.

                   También ha  asistido a   clases  magistrales  con  los  Maestros   Narciso  Yepes, John Duarte, Abel  Carlevaro, Richard  Stover, Stepan Rak, Roland   Dyens  y  Hopkinson Smith, entre otros.

                   Guitarrista premiada en  el Concurso de Jóvenes Valores, organizado por el Instituto  Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura (1977).

                   Como  Concertista, se  ha  presentado  en  numerosos conciertos Chile y  el  extranjero,  así como  también  en programas de  radio y televisión. Considerada una de las intérpretes más destacadas de su género en su país, ha  recibido varias  distinciones por su carrera, “Alcaldía de  La Serena” (2010) y “Alcaldía de Maipú” (2012), Rector Universidad de Chile,  reconocimiento a Creación Artística (2014).  Además de ser invitada permanente como Jurado, a diversos certámenes de ejecución musical desde 1985  hasta la actualidad.

                  Compositora de música para guitarra, es “Miembro de Número” de la Asociación Nacional de Compositores (2013). Sus obras circulan en  todo Chile y  el  extranjero en 30 países  tales como U.S.A.,  México,  Puerto  Rico,  Cuba, Venezuela,  Colombia, Brasil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guyana Francesa, Uruguay, Bolivia, Perú, Argentina, España, Francia, Inglaterra, Bélgica, Holanda,  Italia, Alemania, Suiza, Austria, Finlandia, Rumania, igualmente en Nueva Zelanda, Croacia, Ucrania,  San Petersburgo (Rusia)  y  Japón.        

Friday, 11 July 2014

ISME Sistema SIG News Update #21

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Less than two weeks to go before many of us will be meeting again in Brazil. Whether or not you are able to join us in Brazil, this email is relevant to you!


First, my two year period as Chair of the ISME Sistema Special Interest Group will come to an end at the conference, though I will still contribute to the group in any way that I can. Thank you to everyone for all the kind words, encouragement and for the generosity with which you have shared information.


Second, my efforts were only possible because of the wonderful work Theodora put in to establish the group in the first place. Theodora will continue to contribute and Graça, who has also been involved from the beginning, will take over as chair through to 2016.


Please contact Graça or me if you want to become more actively involved in any way with ISME’s Sistema Special Interest Group.


During the conference we will be discussing ‘what next?’ for the ISME Sistema SIG.


If you are coming to conference, please do some thinking in advance and join in with the formal and informal networking that is planned during the week so that we can benefit from your considered views.


If you are NOT coming to the conference, please let me have any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, that you want to contribute by Wednesday July 16th and I will ensure that these are shared with colleagues and fully considered at conference when we have our discussions.


The conference schedule is still subject to change, but this is what I understand is currently in place for Sistema-related sessions (NB this already includes two proposed changes that are not on the website):


·         Monday July 21st 08.30 Sistema opening session: Room 501, Building 50 – please attend to help shape the rest of your conference plans!

·         Monday to Thursday, formal and informal networking and meetings as decided during the opening session;

·         Monday July 21st 16.30 Sistema Seminar 1: Room 501, Building 50;

·         Wednesday July 23rd 16.30 Sistema Seminar 2: Room 413, Building 50;

·         Thursday July 24th 16.30 Sistema Seminar 3: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 08.30 Sistema presentation 1: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 09.00 Sistema presentation 2: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 09.30 Sistema presentation 3: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 10.30 Sistema Seminar 4: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 14.00 Sistema presentation 4: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 14.30 Sistema presentation 5: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 15.00 Sistema presentation 6: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 15.30 Sistema Closing Session


Looking forward to hearing from you if you are not attending conference, and meeting with you in Brazil, if you are attending conference.


With all good wishes




Richard J Hallam MBE


ISME Sistema SIG Chair

MEC Chair

SE Director and Trustee



Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Fwd: FW: Awards of the VIIth edition of the Amadeus Contest of Choral Composition 2014

Monday, June  16th 2014

Coro Amadeus de Puebla de la Calzada 


The awards of the VIIth edition of the Amadeus Contest of Choral Composition will be published on June 19th at Diputación Provincial in Badajoz. 


The meeting chamber of the Diputación Provincial in Badajoz located in Obispo Juan de Ribera Street will be the venue where the jury's verdict concerning the awards of the VIIth edition of the Amadeus Contest of Choral Composition will be made public onl 19th of June at 21:30. The event will be part of a show including a concert performed by the mixed staff of Coro Amadeus from Puebla de la Calzada directed by Alonso Gómez Gallego. Both the entries shorlisted by the VIIth CIACC and the winners of the International Amadeus Award of Choral Composition and the Best Work with an Extremenian Origin Award (to the best composition-harmony based on a text or melody connected to Extremadura) will be revealed. These prizes will be awarded in each of the modalities (mixed and single voice).


Ninety-six works have entered the VIIth edition of the CIACC. They have been sent from eighteen different countries in total. No wonder, in spite of being one of the contest with a smallest money prize for the winners, at the present moment, it has stored over 500 digital titles since its start, adding up to 21 published works and 44 premiers in the USA, Venezuela, the Netherlands, Argentina, Mexico...; to which France will be shortly added, as the premier of Jean Christophe Rosaz's"Diligam Te Domine" is being performed there by the Choeur d´Enfants d´lle de France & Jeune Choeur d´lle de France, directed by F. Bardot at St. François de Sales Church in París on June 24th.  


For such a special event, the group has made up a programme which will include, as usual in the last years, works from previous editions or composed by authors related to the CIACC. Compositions by writers like Miguel Astor, Carles Prats, Rubén García o Alejandro Yagüe will be enjoyed at the gala. Besides, the mixed group will offer their guests the premier of "Agnus Dei" Francisco José Carbonell Matarredona, a composer from Valencia, living in the USA.


The present edition of the CIACC has been sporsored by the Consejería de Educación y Cultura of Gobierno de Extremadura through the CEMART, as well as the Local Council of Puebla de la Calzada. Diputación Provincial of Badajoz has also contributed to the organization of the award ceremony gala.


The entrance to the event will be free within the capacity limit of the venue.


The results will be published during Friday 20th of June on the official website of Coro Amadeus of Puebla de la



Lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Coro Amadeus de Puebla de la Calzada


La VIII edición del Concurso Internacional Amadeus de Composición Coral dará a conocer sus premios el 19 de junio en la Diputación Provincial de Badajoz


El salón de plenos de la Diputación Provincial de Badajoz situado en la calle Obispo Juan de Ribera, será el escenario donde el 19 de junio a las 21:30 horas se dará a conocer el fallo del jurado de la VIII edición del Concurso Internacional Amadeus de Composición Coral. El acto se enmarcará dentro de un concierto que ofrecerá la plantilla mixta del Coro Amadeus de Puebla de la Calzada bajo la dirección de Alonso Gómez Gallego. Durante el mismo se darán a conocer tanto las obras declaradas de interés por el CIACC en su VIII edición, como los galardonados con el “Premio Internacional Amadeus de Composición Coral” a la mejor obra del concurso; y “Premio a la mejor obra de raíz extremeña” para la mejor composición-armonización realizada sobre texto o melodía vinculada a Extremadura. Estos premios se otorgarán en cada una de las modalidades (voces mixtas y voces iguales). 


A la VIII edición del CIACC han concurrido 96 trabajos remitidos desde un total de dieciocho países distintos; no en vano, y pese a ser uno de los concursos de composición que menos dinero en metálico otorga a sus ganadores, el archivo del mismo cuenta a día de hoy con más de 500 títulos digitalizados desde su fundación, sumando 21 trabajos publicados y 44 estrenos absolutos en EE.UU, Venezuela, Holanda, Argentina, México...; y a los que próximamente se le sumará Francia; país en el que se tiene programado el estreno absoluto de "Diligam te Domine" de Jean Christophe Rosaz con el Choeur d´Enfants d´lle de France & Jeune Choeur d´lle de France bajo la dirección de F. Bardot en la Iglesia de St. François de Sales de París el día 24 de junio.  


Para esta gala tan especial la agrupación ha confeccionado un  programa que incluirá, como viene siendo habitual en los últimos años, obras de ediciones anteriores o de autores vinculados al CIACC. Podrán oírse así trabajos de compositores como Miguel Astor, Carles Prats, Rubén García o Alejandro Yagüe. La plantilla mixta, además, obsequiará a sus invitados con el estreno absoluto de "Agnus Dei" del valenciano afincado en EE.UU Francisco José Carbonell Matarredona. 


La presente edición del CIACC cuenta con el patrocinio de la Consejería de Educación y Cultura del Gobierno de Extremadura a través del CEMART, así como del Ayuntamiento de Puebla de la Calzada. Para la organización de la gala se ha contado además con la colaboración de la Diputación Provincial de Badajoz.


La entrada al acto será libre hasta completar el aforo.


Los resultados se publicarán a lo largo del viernes 20 de junio en la página oficial de Coro Amadeus de Puebla de la








Ángela García Aparicio


Secretaria Asociación Coro Amadeus



Thursday, 12 June 2014

Fwd: SEMPRE Conference - Deadline for cfp 11th July

Forthcoming SEMPRE Conference, Postgraduate Study Day, and Hickman Award


SEMPRE conference: Children's musical worlds

Saturday 25 October 2014

Institute of Education, University of Reading

This one-day SEMPRE conference in music psychology and education is
hosted by The Institute of Education, University of Reading. We
welcome submissions on a broad range of topics related to the theme,
including research into the various musical worlds created by, with
and for children, and studies which focus on aspects of engagement
with music in childhood and its impact across the life course.

Contributions are invited from researchers at all levels and are
particularly encouraged from postgraduate students. Submissions should
show how the topic relates to the conference theme. Accepted
submissions will be organised thematically and presentations will be
chaired by leading researchers. Please send abstracts for spoken
presentations (200 words) by email to the conference organiser Mary
Stakelum ( by Friday 11 July


Postgraduate study day

Friday 24 October 2014

Institute of Education, University of Reading

Exploring music education and psychology research

This SEMPRE Postgraduate Study Day is hosted by the Institute of
Education, University of Reading and precedes the SEMPRE conference on
'Children's musical worlds' to be held on Saturday 25 October.
Students are warmly invited to attend both events. The aim of the
Postgraduate Study Day is to provide opportunities for research
students to present and discuss ideas in a friendly and supportive
environment, as well as to create a meeting place for students from
different institutions. The event will include spoken presentations
(20 minutes each), a poster display, and open discussions about
research in music psychology and education led by invited academics.
We welcome submissions from part-time and full-time students who are
undertaking research in music psychology and education. Accepted
submissions will be broadly organized into themes and presentations
will be chaired by experienced researchers.

Please send abstracts for spoken presentations (200 words) and for
posters (100 words) by email to Dr Mary Stakelum
( by Friday 11 July 2014.


Applying for an award

Students submitting a proposal for this conference will be eligible to
apply for the The Aubrey Hickman Award, worth £500. Please see for further


Sunday, 1 June 2014

A survey for all choir singers

Dear Choir Singer

As part of a European funded project on choral singing the team from the University of York's Audio Lab (Department of Electronics) are looking into the vocal health of singers. They have a brief questionnaire, which takes about 90 seconds to fill in, and they would be very pleased if you could fill it in and pass it on to any choir singers or choir directors.
Thank you

David M Howard
University of York

ISME Sistema SIG News Update #20

ISME conference: only just over 7 weeks to when many of us will meet up in Brazil. Exciting times. I know the Sistema thread through the conference will be excellent and we will have plenty of opportunities to link up formally and informally. I believe the conference programme will be with us very shortly.


Venezuela: Fundamusical in Venezuela has produced an excellent new 13-minute advocacy film about El Sistema, featuring Maestro Abreu.


England:  England’s latest edition of Ensemble is available here: and a great interview with Julian Lloyd Webber here


North America: LA Take a Stand was also inspiring See March and April 2014 ‘The Ensemble’ which have reports from several of those who attended. June’s edition has a lead article by Marshall Marcus, CEO of the European Youth Orchestra and Chair of Sistema England.

A census of the U.S. Sistema movement, produced by Joe Hamm, is available here.

A report by the Sistema Fellows on their residency experiences in Venezuela is here.

And Tricia has also shared a few of the vivid sights and sounds of El Sistema Mexico!  Please click here:


Venezuela: Interesting item here: Venezuela’s “El Sistema” Youth Orchestra System Expands to Public Institutions


Palestine A message from our friends in Palestine who hope we are doing fine and our own programs prosper successfully!

Palestine’s El Sistema inspired project “Sounds of Palestine” in Bethlehem/Palestine is growing and they are looking for experienced volunteer violin teacher(s) that could support us for 6 weeks or more during the coming school year by giving group lessons to our students as well as by training our local violin teacher.


This is the link to their “official call” with more information on the program and on their needs and with the contact information:


Maybe you have an idea who could be interested to join and support them? It also would be very kind of you if you could distribute this link in order to help them reaching many teachers which might possibly be interested.


Thank you very much and all the best.

Katja Eckardt, Project Director “Sounds of Palestine”


Sistema Global Rep and resources – if you haven’t yet visited these links I strongly encourage you to do so, now. Watch this space for further news on research resources. Thanks to Glenn and all of his colleagues for their work on this.



Richard J Hallam MBE

Chair ISME Sistema SIG 2012/2014

mobile 07850 634 239

phone 01908 690078


Thursday, 29 May 2014

Registration for Creativities Musicalities, Entprepreneurships is open

This multi-disciplinary conference opens its doors to presenters and delegates from around the world on September 4, 5 and 6 2014. 

Monday, 19 May 2014


Dear Partners / Dear colleagues,

The International Society for Musical Studies organizes the second
edition of the Congress of Musicology in Timisoara between September
22 and 28, 2014, in partnership with the Union of Composers and
Musicologists of Romania, the National University of Music Bucharest,
George Enescu University of Arts Iasi, Gheorghe Dima Music Academy
Cluj Napoca, and the University of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of
Chisinau - Moldova.
The Congress will be held in the Aula of the EUGEN TODORAN University
Library of the West University of Timsioara.
We invite you to participate in the Congress and publish our
invitation to participate on your institution's website.

The Congress sections are:

Traditional Music
Postwar Romanian Music
Ancient Music
New Currents in Musicological Research
2014 Homage
Free Section

The Congress registration deadline is June 30, 2014.
Persons interested in participating shall send the title of the work
accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words, 3-5 keywords and a
short biography in a narrative format until this date at e-mail
The participation fee is 100 Euros/work and includes the congress
folder, the certificate of participation and the Congress book.
Accommodation, meals and transportation are the responsibility of the
participants. Congress organizers will recommend 3 locations for
accommodation with prices negotiated for participants, and can arrange
transfer from the airport/railway station by specialized companies in

The deadline for submission of works in final format is August 15, 2014.
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Veronica Laura DEMENESCU, PhD.
Phone 0040762190365, 0040733411013,
Fax 0040356819186,

Conf. univ. dr. Veronica Laura DEMENESCU
fax 0356819186

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Music Culture and Music Education across the Silk Road

Last month (April 2014) the Music Educators Society of Turkey (MÜZED),
one of ISMEs INAs (Affiliated National Organization) organized a
Regional Conference, themed "Music Culture and Music Education across
the Silk Road." Held in İstanbul the overall aim of the event was
establishing a "Union of Eurasia Music Educators." MÜZEDs ambition was
to find a catalyst that might lead to an increased collaboration
between professional organizations and peoples from within Turkey and
their neighboring countries.

MÜZED hosted a rich event featuring keynotes, paper presentations, a
small market place, and some stunning music making. I was well looked
after by Uğur Alpagut, MÜZED Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Rafik
Saydam who is the current president of MÜZED.

As the representative of ISME I gave one of the keynotes speeches
entitled "Community Music as Cultural Capital: Non-formal Music
Experiences and Young People" which also included an outline of the
societies mission and the how ISME might aid MÜZED in their goals.
Ekin Çorakli, a young music educator and pianist is currently working
on a translation of the presentation in order to continue the
dialogue. Other keynotes included ISME members David Elliott and
Jiaxing Xie and one of Turkeys most important music educators Dr. Ali

Although the conference was in Turkish a simultaneous translation
service was provided which gave those of us that couldn't speak the
language access to the local issues and challenges. If you haven't
been lucky enough to visit Istanbul it is a fabulously diverse and
multicultural city that bridges Asia and Europe. It also has some of
the best seafood I have ever tasted!

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Preface for study score

Below you find a list of works, which we will publish in the next
months in our series REPERTOIRE EXPLORER. We would like to invite you
to contribute a preface for the following works:

Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg - Sinfonia in C - Dur, Sinfonia
Concertino in D - Dur
Berger, Wilhelm - Simfonia VI
Berwald, Franz - Reminiscence of the Norwegian Mountains
Berwald, Franz - Konzert für zwei Violinen und Orchester
Boccherini, Luigi - Sinfonia in la op.37 n.4
Boehe, Ernst - Aus Odysseus Fahrten op.6
Cimarosa, Domenico - Sinfonia D - Dur, Sinfonia B - Dur
Flotow, Friedrich von - Klavierkonzert Nr.2 in a - Moll
Franckenstein, Clemens von - Gesänge für Singstimme und Orchester op.34
Grosz, Wilhelm - Rondels
Haydn, Michael - Sechs Menuette für Orchester, Divertimenti in G - Dur
und B - Dur
Henriques, Fini - Suite pour Hautbois op.12
Hofmann, Heinrich - "Frithjof" Symphonie
Juon, Paul - Anmut und Würde op.94
Kopylow, Alexander - Symphonie Ut mineur
Leoncavallo, Ruggero - Tarantella pour Orchestre
Lyapunov, Sergey - Klavierkonzert op.4
Massenet, Jules - Scènes dramatiques
Moór, Emanuel - Symphonie für Orchester op.65
Muffat, Georg - Florilegium Primum & Secundum
Muffat, Georg - Sechs Concerti Grossi
Myslivecek, Josef - Ezio (Ouvertüre)
Myslivecek, Josef - Tre otteti per due oboi, due clarinetti, due corni
e due fagotti
Ostrcil, Otakar - Impromptu
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - Concerto in Sol maggiore
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - Salve regina per contralto e archi
Rachmaninow, Sergej - Felsen
Reicha, Joseph - Konzert für zwei Hörner und Orchester op.5
Respighi, Ottorino / Bach - Passacaglia in Do minore
Reuss, August - Sommeridylle op.39
Ritter, Alexander - Hochzeitsreigen für Orchester
Romberg, Andreas - Die Glocke
Rossini, Gioacchino - Tema con Variazioni per quattro strumenti a fiato
Saint-Saens, Camille - Rhapsodie d'auvergne für Klavier und Orchester op.73
Schillings, Max von - Tanz der Blumen
Schulhoff, Erwin - Stücke für zwei Violinen Viola und Violoncello
Sinding, Christian - Rondo Infinito
Suter, Hermann - Sextett op. 18
Szymanowski, Karol - Penthesiliea
Szymanowski, Karol - Litany to the Virgin Mary
Thieriot, Ferdinand - Serenade für Orchester F - Dur op.44
Weingartner, Felix - Symphonie Nr.3 op.49
Woyrsch, Felix - Zweite Symphonie C- Dur op.60
Zach, Jan - Konzert für Klavier und Orchester As - Dur op.17

The series is dedicated to unjustly neglected works, which are no
longer available or were never available before. It is a direct and
idealistic response to the fact, that the repertoire of classical
music is shrinking every day and many little known pieces are
vanishing into oblivion. We hope that our scores will help this music
revive and survive. If you want to know more about our activity,
please visit our website There you find the catalogue
of our study scores which will allow a survey of the fundamental idea
of our publication work.

With greetings from Munich
Peter Dietz

Musikproduktion Höflich
Enhuberstrasse 6-8 Rgb.
D - 80333 München
Tel 089 - 52 20 81
Fax 089 - 52 54 11

Friday, 25 April 2014

Vacancy: Peter Sowerby Research Associate in Performance Science

Peter Sowerby Research Associate in Performance Science

Fixed-term for one year (starting September 2014)


The Royal College of Music is one of Britain’s leading conservatoires. It provides specialised musical education and professional training at the highest international level for performers and composers.


This is a newly created fixed term post (one year) which sits within the RCM’s Centre for Performance Science (CPS), an internationally distinctive centre for research, teaching and knowledge exchange in music performance science. The post, which is funded by the Peter Sowerby Foundation, is linked to the CPS’s Performance Simulator, an innovative training facility that enables musicians to practise and refine their professional skills in interactive, virtual performance environments. The appointment will involve taking a lead role in researching and developing applications of the simulator, including designing original studies into musicians’ learning and performance and working to apply project outcomes widely across the RCM’s learning and teaching activities.


You should be an active researcher with a proven ability to manage large-scale projects, preferably within the fields of applied performance psychology and physiology (e.g. studies of heart rate variability in stress assessment contexts), and an ability to work effectively in music education and training settings.


The successful applicant should be available to start by 1 September 2014.


For further information please see the ‘Jobs and Opportunities’ section of our website at


Completed application forms should be returned to Tim Rounding at or Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BS.


Closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Friday 16 May 2014.


Interviews will be held on Thursday 5 June 2014.


The Royal College of Music is an equal opportunities employer.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Youth Music charity invests £1.2m in new approaches to music in schools


23RD April, 2014






Ten pioneering ‘Exhanging Notes’ projects awarded grants to explore new collaborative approaches to music education in schools for young people at risk



The National Foundation for Youth Music today announced grants totalling £1,195,308 to support new partnerships between schools and music education providers who normally work in out-of-school settings.  Investment of up to £120,000 is being made available to music projects delivered by these new partnerships.


Projects benefiting from funding include Leeds based charity, Opera North working in Winifred Holtby Academy in Hull, Kinetika Bloco working in St Gabriel’s College, Lambeth, London, and Derbyshire Music Education Hub, which will work across the Virtual Schools Network in Derbyshire.


The ‘Exchanging Notes’ initiative aims to establish if this collaborative approach brings additional benefits for young people at risk of low attainment, disengagement or educational exclusion. Over a four year period, Birmingham City University will be undertaking a rigorous study of the ten projects to evaluate the educational, musical and other outcomes of these new models of partnerships for the pupils involved. It will also examine how the distinctive educational approaches used in schools and out-of-school settings might be combined to improve young people’s educational outcomes and encourage the exchange of ideas, practice and understanding of effective music teaching techniques between practitioners working in these different settings.


This action research project follows publication of Youth Music’s ‘Communities of Music Education’ pilot study which highlighted some of the key differences in music education experienced outside and inside the classroom. The study noted that the teaching style used in the out-of-school music projects placed an equal focus on personal and social outcomes as well as musical outcomes. The findings also indicated that partnership-working between different settings was a positive and valuable process with practitioners recognising strengths in different methods of delivery.


Derbyshire Music Education Hub, in partnership with Derbyshire ‘Virtual School’ and delivery partner organisation Baby People, was awarded a grant of £120,000 to bring care and education professionals together with specialist music providers to support children in care. The programme will use music education to improve social and emotional resilience amongst the young participants from twenty schools across the county and increase their academic achievement.   There will also be a focus group for music leaders, teachers and supporters to share learning. A toolkit with case studies, practice notes, impact, evidence and signposts will be produced.


Jayne Briggs, School Improvement Adviser, Derbyshire Music Education Hub says: “We are delighted that Youth Music is providing this opportunity for us to work with our Virtual School in an action research study, using music-making to engage and motivate young people in challenging circumstances. Narrowing the gap between the attainment of children in care and all young people is a high priority for Derbyshire. Our approach will be for our delivery partners, Baby People, to use music to harness the interests and personal passion of the young people to help drive their learning and show improvements in their attainment across the curriculum.”


Opera North and Winifred Holtby Academy, located on the Bransholme estate north of Hull, have been awarded a grant of £120,000 to work with pupils who suffer socio-economic disadvantage and face low attainment.  Opera North's approach will use the voice as a way into musical learning, with a focus on classical music styles although folk, gospel, jazz and popular genres will also be included.


Kinetika Bloco, in partnership with Sound Connections and Lambeth Music Education Hub, was awarded a grant of £120,000 to work with Saint Gabriel’s College in Lambeth, London to deliver a programme of music and leadership opportunities. Participants will receive tuition on percussion, steel pan, woodwind and brass instruments and over 600 young people will be involved. The aim of the project is to develop a Bloco in-school model which joins up formal and non-formal music-making to empower young people through activities that develop their creative life skills and transform their educational attainment.


Matt Griffith says:  “In designing the Exchanging Notes programme, we encouraged schools, music organisations and local music education hubs to work together. The range of applications we received has shown us how vibrant our music education system can be with, in many cases, very creative ideas for partnership working. We look forward to the outcome of this action research project with great excitement as it is the first time such a rigorous study of combined approaches between schools and music providers, who normally work in out-of-school settings, has been done. The results may well turn out to be of enormous significance to stimulate fresh thinking in music education and support the aspirations set out in the National Plan for Music Education.”



Further details about the grants awarded under the  ‘Exchanging Notes’ programme can be found at


 PIC ATTACHEDCaption:  Kinetika Bloco musicians lead TeamGB in the Greatest Team Parade, London 2012 Olympics





·         Youth Music believes that music-making is life-changing and the charity wants the opportunity for music-making to be available to all children.   Every year, Youth Music provides more than 90,000 young people with the chance to take part in a local music project. 


·         Many of these children and young people face challenges in their lives including coping with disability, homelessness or living in care.  Others simply need help to develop their full musical talent and potential.


·         In addition to developing musical skills, Youth Music projects help young people to develop their creative and social skills, make positive contributions to their community and live happy, successful lives. Youth Music projects work across all music genres.


·         Youth Music currently supports over 400 music projects around the country.


·         The charity knows that many more young people still need its help and continues to fundraise to realise its mission to ensure that all children and young people have access to life-changing music-making opportunities.


·         Find out more about the work of Youth Music by visiting


For enquiries about Youth Music please contact:


David O’Keeffe,

Media and PR Consultant,

Youth Music



T:   0207 902 1096

M:  07977 067576.


For the projects mentioned please contact:

1.Kinetika Bloco:


Tamzyn French

Bloco Manager

Kinetika Bloco


T: 07795142535 


2. Derbyshire Music Education Hub

Jayne Briggs

School Improvement Adviser

with responsibility for the

Derby & Derbyshire Music Partnership  -  Leading the Music Education Hub for Derbyshire

T: 01629 532871


3. Opera North

Rebecca Walsh,

Education Director

Opera North

Tel:  0113 243 9999




David O’Keeffe
Media and PR Consultant
National Foundation for Youth Music

T 020 7902 1096

M :07977 067576

website     twitter    facebook

Join us in supporting life-changing music-making.

Donate here

Suites 3-5, Swan Court, 9 Tanner Street, London, SE1 3LE
Registered charity 1075032