Sunday, 20 July 2014

Welcome to ISME 2014: Sunday 20 July 2014 Registrations and Opening Ceremony

Registration: Sunday 20th July from 2pm to 6pm

  • Building 41, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
  • Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon
  • Porto Alegre - RS

Opening Ceremony: Sunday 20th July from 7:30pm

  • Salao Atos (Lecture Hall)
  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
  • Av. Paulo Gama
  • 110 Farroupilha
  • Porto Alegre - RS

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

REVISION: ISME Sistema SIG News Update #22

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

With profuse apologies for causing confusion in my last news update!

This is what I now (16/7/2014) understand is currently in place for Sistema-related sessions (NB this includes changes that are not on the website). If you find something is still confusing, do not worry, we can sort it out on Monday morning at the opening session.

·         Monday July 21st 08.30 Sistema opening session: Room 501, Building 50 – please attend to help shape the rest of your conference plans! Session Organisers R Hallam, G Mota

·         Monday to Thursday, formal and informal networking and meetings as decided during the opening session;

·         Monday July 21st 16.30 Sistema Seminar 1: Room 502, Building 50; National Identity – how can we learn from each other internationally? Session organiser R Hallam

·         Tuesday July 22nd 15.30 Spoken Paper: Room 409, Building 50; Globalising El Sistema L Silberman

·         Wednesday July 23rd 16.30 Sistema Seminar 2: Room 413, Building 50; The principles and practices of pedagogy within El Sistema and Sistema-inspired programmes. Session organiser A Creech

·         Thursday July 24th 08.30 Sistema Seminar 3: Room 411, Building 50; Music and social-inclusion – in the shadow of Venezuela’s El Sistema. Session organiser G Mota

·         Friday July 25th 08.30 Sistema presentation 1: Room 411, Building 50; A study on the self-efficacy beliefs of the participants at the musical education project El Sistema V Kruger, R Cardoso De Araujo

·         Friday July 25th 09.00 Sistema presentation 2: Room 411, Building 50; El Sistema and an American Charter Laboratory School: A Model for Academic, Musical, and Social Development B Kaufman

·         Friday July 25th 09.30 Sistema presentation 3: Room 411, Building 50; Music, Curriculum and the Challenges of El Sistema: investigating the Guatemalan Case J Nitsch

·         Friday July 25th 10.30 Sistema Seminar 4: Room 411, Building 50; Is there a Place for Sistema in Indigenous Communities E Sandoval (NB this session will involve additional discussion resulting from discussions at the opening session on Monday morning at 08.30)

·         Friday July 25th 14.00 Sistema presentation 4: Room 411, Building 50; Music Education and Social Inclusion: A case study on management and financing activities Systems Youth Orchestras in school communities I Mendes Krüger

·         Friday July 25th 14.30 Sistema presentation 5: Room 411, Building 50; Evaluation of Orchestra Education Program for Underprivileged Children in Korea: Allkidstra W Yu, H Cho, H Rhee

·         Friday July 25th 15.00 Sistema presentation 6: Room 411, Building 50; …But can El Sistema work outside Venezuela? Moving beyond ‘transposability’ M Sarazin.

·         Friday July 25th 15.30 Sistema Closing Session; Session Organisers: R Hallam, G Mota

With all good wishes and wishing you safe arrival in Porto Alegre.


Richard J Hallam MBE


ISME Sistema SIG Chair

MEC Chair

SE Director and Trustee




Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Fwd: new PhD place announcement

Dear colleagues,

I'd like to aks your help to share info about one new fully paid place
for PhD studies in musicology (03H History and Theory of Arts) at
Kaunas University of Technology. Preliminary theme is "Melodic and
rhythmic of Lithuanian composers. A statistical research of musical
scores". Deadline for aplication and start of studies is mid of
September 2014. We are looking for a candidate with the basic
knowledge in music and informatics/mathematics and interested in
application of statistical methods in musical scores analysis.
Successful candidate will have possibility to join research projects
run in the department as well as the priority to be employed into
university after defending PhD.

For all formal requirements please visit university site:

For any other questions please contact me directly.

Thank you!


Prof. Darius Kucinskas

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Monday, 14 July 2014

[RIEM] Nuevo número publicado

Estimados/as lectores/as:

Revista Internacional de Educación Musical acaba de publicar su último
número en A
continuación le mostramos la tabla de contenidos, después puede visitar
nuestro sitio web para consultar los artículos que sean de su interés.

Gracias por mantener el interés en nuestro trabajo,
José Luis Aróstegui Plaza
Universidad de Granada
Teléfono +34 958 24 20 80
Fax +34 958 24 90 53
José Luis Aróstegui Plaza
Editor de la Revista Internacional de Educación Musical

Revista Internacional de Educación Musical
núm. 2 (2014)
Tabla de contenidos

Editorial (1)
José Luis Aróstegui Plaza

Artículos Originales
Sobre la función de la asignatura de Historia de la Música en la
formación del profesorado de música (2-9)
Maria Cristina Carvalho Azevedo, Antenor Ferreira Correa
Evaluando actitudes y usos de las TIC del profesorado de música de
educación secundaria (10-23)
José Luis Guerrero Valiente

Artículos Traducidos
Marco Conceptual para Ayudar al Maestro de Instrumento a Integrar la
Improvisación Musical en su Práctica Pedagógica (24-35)
Jean-Philippe Després, Francis Dubé
Estrategias Pedagógicas para Desarrollar las Habilidades Metacognitivas
del Alumno de Instrumento con el Fin de Maximizar la Eficacia de sus
Prácticas Instrumentales (36-47)
Malinalli Peral García, Francis Dubé
"Musiqueando" en la Ciudad: Re-Conceptualizando la Educación Musical
Urbana como Práctica Cultural (48-63)
Rubén Gaztambide Fernández

Revista Educación Musical

FW: Invitation: Recital de violão na Casa com a chilena Ximena Matamoros


Estimados, Prezados, Dear colleages:

Ximena Matamoros, artista de ISME 2014.


Gentileza divulgar. Please release.

Guitar Concert


ps.: até 7 anos não paga. 


                     Destacada Guitarrista,  Maestra  y  Compositora  chilena, de vasta  trayectoria. Realizó sus estudios musicales con las  más  altas  calificaciones, en  la Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile, con el Maestro Luis López. Desde 1985 es Académica de esta  misma institución.

                   También ha  asistido a   clases  magistrales  con  los  Maestros   Narciso  Yepes, John Duarte, Abel  Carlevaro, Richard  Stover, Stepan Rak, Roland   Dyens  y  Hopkinson Smith, entre otros.

                   Guitarrista premiada en  el Concurso de Jóvenes Valores, organizado por el Instituto  Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura (1977).

                   Como  Concertista, se  ha  presentado  en  numerosos conciertos Chile y  el  extranjero,  así como  también  en programas de  radio y televisión. Considerada una de las intérpretes más destacadas de su género en su país, ha  recibido varias  distinciones por su carrera, “Alcaldía de  La Serena” (2010) y “Alcaldía de Maipú” (2012), Rector Universidad de Chile,  reconocimiento a Creación Artística (2014).  Además de ser invitada permanente como Jurado, a diversos certámenes de ejecución musical desde 1985  hasta la actualidad.

                  Compositora de música para guitarra, es “Miembro de Número” de la Asociación Nacional de Compositores (2013). Sus obras circulan en  todo Chile y  el  extranjero en 30 países  tales como U.S.A.,  México,  Puerto  Rico,  Cuba, Venezuela,  Colombia, Brasil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guyana Francesa, Uruguay, Bolivia, Perú, Argentina, España, Francia, Inglaterra, Bélgica, Holanda,  Italia, Alemania, Suiza, Austria, Finlandia, Rumania, igualmente en Nueva Zelanda, Croacia, Ucrania,  San Petersburgo (Rusia)  y  Japón.        

Friday, 11 July 2014

ISME Sistema SIG News Update #21

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Less than two weeks to go before many of us will be meeting again in Brazil. Whether or not you are able to join us in Brazil, this email is relevant to you!


First, my two year period as Chair of the ISME Sistema Special Interest Group will come to an end at the conference, though I will still contribute to the group in any way that I can. Thank you to everyone for all the kind words, encouragement and for the generosity with which you have shared information.


Second, my efforts were only possible because of the wonderful work Theodora put in to establish the group in the first place. Theodora will continue to contribute and Graça, who has also been involved from the beginning, will take over as chair through to 2016.


Please contact Graça or me if you want to become more actively involved in any way with ISME’s Sistema Special Interest Group.


During the conference we will be discussing ‘what next?’ for the ISME Sistema SIG.


If you are coming to conference, please do some thinking in advance and join in with the formal and informal networking that is planned during the week so that we can benefit from your considered views.


If you are NOT coming to the conference, please let me have any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, that you want to contribute by Wednesday July 16th and I will ensure that these are shared with colleagues and fully considered at conference when we have our discussions.


The conference schedule is still subject to change, but this is what I understand is currently in place for Sistema-related sessions (NB this already includes two proposed changes that are not on the website):


·         Monday July 21st 08.30 Sistema opening session: Room 501, Building 50 – please attend to help shape the rest of your conference plans!

·         Monday to Thursday, formal and informal networking and meetings as decided during the opening session;

·         Monday July 21st 16.30 Sistema Seminar 1: Room 501, Building 50;

·         Wednesday July 23rd 16.30 Sistema Seminar 2: Room 413, Building 50;

·         Thursday July 24th 16.30 Sistema Seminar 3: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 08.30 Sistema presentation 1: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 09.00 Sistema presentation 2: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 09.30 Sistema presentation 3: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 10.30 Sistema Seminar 4: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 14.00 Sistema presentation 4: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 14.30 Sistema presentation 5: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 15.00 Sistema presentation 6: Room 411, Building 50;

·         Friday July 25th 15.30 Sistema Closing Session


Looking forward to hearing from you if you are not attending conference, and meeting with you in Brazil, if you are attending conference.


With all good wishes




Richard J Hallam MBE


ISME Sistema SIG Chair

MEC Chair

SE Director and Trustee